Softdesk, however, terminated those negotiations at around the time that Autodesk agreed to acquire Softdesk. Boomerang negotiated with Softdesk for the purchase of the IntelliCADD product and exchanged draft purchase agreements with Softdesk. ("Boomerang") for the purpose of acquiring the product, completing its development, and bringing the product to market. The head of the team that had developed the product proposed to purchase the technology and formed Boomerang Technology, Inc. In approximately June 1996, Softdesk determined that it no longer had the financial ability to support continued development and marketing of the IntelliCADD product. A complaint regarding the inclusive sale of IntelliCADD was filed with the US Federal Trade Commission ("FTC"). In December 1996 Autodesk announced that it would acquire Softdesk outright for $90 million in common stock. The AutoCAD-clone project was kept semi-secret under the project name "Phoenix".
Autodesk had recently entered into direct competition with Cyco Software (another third-party Autodesk partner), and Softdesk was concerned that the same could happen to them. Softdesk, the then-largest third-party product developer for Autodesk, acquired this company in 1994 and used the know-how to secretly develop an AutoCAD clone. One of its products, AutoCAD Data Extension, allowed multiple users to access the same AutoCAD drawing, or have a single drawing point to entities stored in other drawings. "IntelliCADD" began as an independent AM/FM/GIS (Automated Mapping/Facilities Management/Geographic Information System)
IntelliCAD is available for Microsoft Windows desktops.